A downloadable mod

Grillweps is a mod that lets the player define when the game should drop a specific weapon, by using simple chat commands. These weapons will appear alongside your character once you spawn into the level that you defined. Multiple weapons can be defined, and you can even save and share presets that you make. Supports modded weapons.

Load the mod with /loadmod grillweps, then type /gwep in the console to see the available commands.

To specify a weapon, you can tell the command its weapon ID (example: 92 for Ultra Shovel), its vanilla name (ultra shovel), or the name you've given it in your lang.ini file (example: spoon). In case it's a modded weapon, you have to specify the name of the file, without extensions (example: master_exploder).

For now this tool only supports vanilla areas, and they can't be secret areas. Might be coming soon.

Presets are stored in %localappdata%/nuclearthrone/mods/grillweps.mod

Example usage:

1) Add a weapon drop:
/gwep add 1-1 L1;super plasma cannon
/gwep add 4-1;auto crossbow
/gwep add 0-1 L3;92
/gwep add 2-1 L2;master_exploder

2) Show all the defined weapons:
/gwep list

3) Remove an item (first item in this case):
/gwep remove 1

4) Clear the list:
/gwep clear

5) Saving a preset:
/gwep save spc

6) Loading a preset:
/gwep load spc

This mod is intended for NTT v100, which is available as a Steam beta. It's not guaranteed to work with older versions.


grillweps.mod.gml 11 kB

Install instructions

1) Download grillweps.mod.gml

2) Save it inside the "mods" folder where Nuclear Throne Together is installed

3) Run the game, get to the character select screen, and open the chat by pressing T

4) Type /loadmod grillweps

5) Press Enter

6) Type /gweps or read the description in this page to see the commands

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